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You never expected this to happen—a second DUI was not in the cards. When you find yourself facing a second DUI, we are here to help you with the unique challenges that come with the charges.
If you are still on probation for a first offense, you may be facing a warrant issued by your probation officer. Additionally, many prosecutors ask for more jail time than the first time around. Our seasoned DUI attorneys understand the complexities of the system and the serious implications of a second DUI in Atlanta. The best step you can take is to call our firm for guidance and knowledgeable advice today.
When you apply for a driver’s license in Georgia, you give implied consent to be tested for drugs or alcohol if a law enforcement officer stops you. If you register 0.08 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in a field sobriety test, you are legally drunk in Georgia, and if you are under 21, you are considered impaired with a 0.02 percent BAC. No amount of drugs is acceptable, including marijuana, which is generally not legal medicinally or recreationally.
It is important to note that even if you refuse a breath test, you can still be arrested. Additionally, if your behavior simply alerts the officer that you may be less safe behind the wheel, you can be arrested.
The system can oftentimes feel gamed against you. It is easy for a law enforcement officer to accuse you of being less safe behind the wheel and charge you with DUI when you are anxious, afraid, and extremely stressed during the encounter. Our dedicated attorneys sort through the facts to determine the mitigating factors and explore every defense possible to help you avoid a second DUI conviction in Atlanta.
A wide range of penalties attach to a second DUI, and judges can be lenient or severe, so the circumstances of your case matter. Georgia has a look-back period of 10 years, and a second DUI in that time frame means 72 hours to one year of mandatory jail time and steep fines. Other penalties usually include:
These challenges can seem overwhelming, but we are committed to fighting for the best outcome in your situation. A second-offense DUI charge in Atlanta is serious; call our well-practiced attorneys for help overcoming the ramifications.
There are several credible defenses to DUI charges in Atlanta. For example, the chemical, blood, or urine test may have been administered incorrectly, or the equipment could be faulty. It may be possible that you are taking medicine prescribed for you that contributes to an erroneous BAC. Your behavior may be suspicious to the officer because you are nervous, depressed, or highly stressed.
An arrest is not a conviction, and our attorneys have years of experience getting outstanding results for clients.
When a law enforcement officer stops you and subjects you to a field sobriety test, you may feel upset, scared, and embarrassed. You are not alone during this challenging experience. Our law practice is dedicated to helping people fight charges—and if negotiations are unsatisfactory, we are ready to represent you in court.
You need an ally who understands how the criminal justice system works and what must be done to achieve a fair outcome. We have a track record of delivering bright futures back to those charged with second-offense DUIs in Atlanta. Call today.