Many people take traffic offenses lightly. They get a ticket and pay it without thinking of the other consequences. While traffic tickets may not always be expensive, their long-term consequences can be. Understanding the potential consequences attached to that offense can help you decide whether to fight the traffic ticket or pay it.
Unfortunately, the consequences can be difficult to understand. The ticket tells you what to expect regarding what you owe to the court, but it does not explain the other impacts it has, like added points on your license, increased insurance payments, and civil liability if you were involved in an accident. Consult a Doraville traffic lawyer to explore your options. Our hard-working criminal defense attorneys could help you evaluate whether fighting the ticket is the right choice for you.
Traffic Tickets Impact Auto and Life Insurance Rates
Sometimes, people think that a single ticket will not significantly impact their record, especially if they have a clean history. However, a single ticket can still substantially impact your auto insurance rates. For most drivers, a ticket will lead to an increase of about $500 per year. These rate spikes last from three to five years.
Your driving history, type of automobile, type of insurance, and number of covered vehicles can impact this number. The insurance rate hike for some drivers could be closer to $1000 per year. Young drivers are particularly vulnerable to these increases. A traffic ticket can easily cost you an additional $1200. In the worst-case scenario, these can cost more than $5000.
Many people do not realize that their driving records can also impact other types of insurance. If you are applying for a new life insurance policy, having a history of traffic offenses can increase those rates, too.
An attorney in Doraville could help you review the additional expenses and break down your traffic ticket defense costs. This information could help you make decisions about whether or not to fight your ticket.
Serious Traffic Offenses and Penalties
While most traffic offenses are minor, some are more serious and may result in criminal consequences, including jail time, suspension of your license, or even loss of your license. If the offense caused any injuries, you could also face more severe penalties. In those cases, you should consult a lawyer in Doraville before deciding how to proceed in your traffic violation case.
Reckless driving, excessive speeding tickets, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, and drag racing are examples of serious offenses. These show a disregard for the other people on the road, which means that they may have more significant criminal consequences. These offenses could also have civil consequences, such as impacting your employment history, getting used against you in a child custody proceeding, and serving as evidence in any civil litigation resulting from the same events as the ticket.
Like other offenses, you may have options besides fighting the ticket. You may be able to negotiate a lesser offense. While that may not be the desired outcome, it can help you avoid some of the related repercussions.
You must fully understand all of the potential consequences of pleading guilty to a traffic ticket. You may not hear people use that terminology very frequently, but paying a traffic ticket is the same as entering a guilty plea to the allegations in the ticket. No one should ever plead guilty to any offense without a complete understanding of all of the implications of that plea.
Reach Out to an Attorney in Doraville About Traffic Offenses
When you are unsure whether to pay for a ticket or fight it, consult a Doraville traffic lawyer to review your options. In some circumstances, paying for the ticket may be the easiest and cheapest way to handle the charges. In other situations, paying for the ticket can be much more expensive than fighting it. Our attorneys could help you understand the repercussions and ensure you have the information you need to make the best decision. Call today to schedule a consultation and get started on your case.