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The mere allegation of exchanging sexual services for money can have a detrimental effect on your reputation. The consequences that come with being convicted of this crime are much steeper. The good news is that you have the right to defend yourself in court with the help of a dedicated criminal defense attorney.
If you have been arrested on these charges, a Riverdale prostitution lawyer could help you beat these charges. We could review the facts of the case, plan a defense strategy, and protect your rights along the way. The state’s case might not be as strong as they let on, and a favorable outcome may be possible.
The exchange of sex for money is unlawful under state law. The statute defines this charge as offering, consenting to, or performing sexual conduct in exchange for a thing of value. That might include money, services, or even illicit drugs.
A conviction does not require the completion of a sex act. Merely reaching an agreement is enough to be found guilty. That said, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that two people made this agreement. It is often difficult for prosecutors to meet this high standard.
In many cases, the police will make multiple arrests for this offense at the same time. This can lead to charges being filed despite the lack of compelling evidence for certain defendants. A Riverdale attorney could review the strength of the state’s case and develop a viable defense against the prostitution charges.
There are numerous criminal acts directly related to prostitution, and understanding each of them can be helpful. Often, a single alleged transaction can lead to multiple charges for three or more defendants.
Solicitation of a prostitute—often known as pandering—is the other half of the unlawful transaction. A person intending to provide money to another person in exchange for sex is guilty of solicitation. It is a crime to even attempt this exchange; no money needs to change hands for a person to be guilty.
State law also recognizes the crime of pimping, which is the act of procuring a prostitute for another person. This often means making the arrangements between the two participants and, sometimes, providing transportation. A lawyer based in Riverdale could further explain the intricacies of prostitution charges.
For someone arrested on prostitution charges, the likely outcome of their case can feel hopeless. The good news is that an attorney in Riverdale could secure a number of positive outcomes using their skill and experience.
In a limited number of situations, it might be possible to avoid the filing of charges at all. An attorney could reach out to the state if they learn charges are being considered to provide compelling evidence that the accused did not commit a crime.
There is also an opportunity to see charges dismissed by the state after they are brought. Prosecutors do not want to take a case to trial when they are certain to lose. This is a common outcome when a judge determines some of the evidence will not be heard at trial. Other possible outcomes include acquittals, favorable plea bargains, and reducing the severity of the penalties at sentencing.
If you are concerned about the outcome of your criminal proceedings, now is the time to get help. A Riverdale prostitution lawyer could help you put on the strongest possible defense. Call today to discuss your options.