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Theft charges can apply to a wide range of circumstances, from shoplifting to stealing cars. In each of these situations, criminal charges could alter the course of your life due to the possibility of jail time or fines and a criminal record, making it difficult to find a job.
You have the right to fight these allegations with the help of a seasoned criminal defense attorney. The legal process is a complex one to navigate, and you should not have to do it alone. Before you accept a plea or represent yourself in court, reach out to a Riverdale theft lawyer to discuss a potential defense.
Anyone who takes or keeps another person’s property without their consent with the intention of permanently depriving the owner has committed a theft-based offense.
People take property unlawfully in many ways. These criminal acts can involve deception or the use of force. Conversion, which is the act of keeping something permanently that was given temporarily, also counts as theft.
The facts of each of these theft cases are very different, which means a Riverdale attorney must carefully select the right defense strategy. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to defending these allegations, but favorable outcomes are possible.
There are many different theft offenses and, therefore, various penalties that can come with a conviction. The extent of this punishment depends in part on whether the accused faces misdemeanor or felony charges.
In a misdemeanor theft case, a person could be sentenced to a year in jail as well as a fine. Felony sentences are much harsher, including as much as $100,000 in fines and multiple years in state prison.
This state also has certain criminal offenses that are treated as “wobblers.” They are given this name because of the potential of treating the crime as either a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances. A lawyer in Riverdale could provide insight into the sentencing range for this type of theft crime.
Although facing these allegations can be intimidating, it may be possible to avoid a conviction or secure a favorable outcome with the right defense strategy. A Riverdale attorney starts by reviewing the case of the case. We could look at the theft arrest report, identify witnesses, and evaluate the strength of the state’s case. The next step is determining the right defense approach.
Often, the best option is to hold the prosecution to their burden of proof. The alleged victim’s attorney must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which requires strong evidence. In some cases, we may highlight how weak that evidence as part of our defense method.
These charges are often based on a misunderstanding. The accused could accidentally be in possession of property that isn’t theirs, or there might be evidence that they had the owner’s permission to take and use the item. This strategy requires the defense to provide their own evidence.
Facing criminal charges of any kind can be daunting, but working with an attorney could help you prepare a solid defense for your case. We could fight to get you the best possible outcome, lead your defense strategy, and protect your rights throughout the legal process. Call a Riverdale theft lawyer right away to get started.